The NSW Government made announcements relating to the stay-at-home orders lifting for some local government areas in regional NSW from 12:01 am Saturday 11 September, and the release of the roadmap outlining freedoms after NSW passes the 70 percent double vaccination target.

We appreciate there will be many questions from the membership relating to these announcements. This email provides links to the official media releases.

Media Release: Lockdown lifted in parts of regional NSW

Media Release: Roadmap to freedom unveiled for the fully vaccinated

In order to ensure accurate advice is provided to our community, we have been advised by the Office of Sport that they will provide a further update once the Public Health Order is released detailing information about eased restrictions for regional areas commencing from this Saturday.

Further information relating to the roadmap will be provided in the coming weeks. That said information from NSW Health seems to indicate that when NSW hits the 80% double dose vaccinations the government intends to open up further easing of restrictions around other areas including community sport.

We will provide a further update to you directly relating to the Country Championships and Vawdon Cup early next week.

We also continue to support the vaccination program as an avenue to individuals having more freedoms. We would encourage our members to consult with their health professionals to answer all questions and concerns that they may have.

We thank you for your patience as we work through these matters.

NSW Government COVID-19 Website

Office of Sport COVID-19 Page

Would you please ensure you look after yourself, your family, and the wider community. We would encourage members to reach out to and check in on your touch footy mates or those you have a connection with from the affected communities.

We will continue to monitor the situation throughout the State, NSW Health, the Office of Sport and Sport NSW. We will communicate any future recommendations, changes to COVID-19 Safety Plans or Public Health Orders impacting our sport.

Best wishes and stay safe.

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